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The police have installed a car driver on Lennestraße, which has a speed of 50 km/h in the interior at 105 km/h.
Lüdenscheid – Both of the controls on the time-dependent overload road were the Radar team innerhalb of gut ainhalb Stunden das Tempo of 433 Vehicles. Davon was written over 15 days, the goal of a quote is a 3.5 Prozent. Enjoy your time with a refund.
From the “Tagessieger”, a Pkw-Fahrer from the Märkische Kreis, who has more consequences. The activated Bußgeldcatalog is a purchase with a Bußgeld of 591.50 Euro, which involves Bearbeitungsgebühr, two Punkten in the Flensburger Verkehrssünderdatei and a two-person Fahrverbot.
Samstag positions the Wache radar team on Halver Straße in Ortsteil Brügge. In the afternoon between 7.55 and 9.15 am you will pass by 184 traffic jams, which will make it easier to move quickly and with ease.
Die Polizei hat in der Nacht zu Donnerstag abermals den Schwerlastverkehr im Stadtgebiet überprüft. This is the page for the Einsatzkräften Mitarbeiter der Stadt en des Kreises.
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